The Beautiful Names of Allah

The Beautiful Names of Allah - Assalamualaikum, apa kabar Sobat pembaca MUSLIM ISLAM , Kami harap kabar Sobat baik-baik saja dan selalu dalam lindunganNYA, Amin. Oya hari ini Muslim Islam akan mengupas informasi berjudul The Beautiful Names of Allah, Tulisan kali ini kami masukkan dalam tag atau label Artikel Islam, Artikel Muslim, Artikel News, Semoga saja uraian kami ini dapat menambah informasi untuk Sobat pembaca semuanya, baiklah, biar tidak terlalu lama, yuk langsung disimak saja.

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The Beautiful Names of Allah


'Allah has the most beautiful names. Call Him by those names. So call upon Him by them, and keep away from those who abuse His Names. They will pay (i.e. be punished) for what they do.' (Al-Arraf, 7: 181)

Allah says in the Quran that He is One. He is the only God, the sole Creator of everything He has created, and there are no other gods besides Him, nor does anyone have the power to create like He does. He exists, and no one created Him. He is unique, the Originator of all. And Allah says that He has many names, attributes that describe what He is like – Asma’ul-Husna – the most beautiful names.

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The Beautiful Names of Allah

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