link : On Spirituality and Social Service
On Spirituality and Social Service
The Amir of Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam, Kerala- South Zone (India), Mukarram R. Jamaluddin Saheb, was among the speakers on the occasion.
In his speech, the Mukarram Amir Saheb shared the perennial, sublime spiritual message of all Elects of God all through history- Sri Ramchandran ji, Sri Krishna ji, Jesus Christ, Prophet Muhammad (sa)- the essence of which is to lead a good life in service of fellow beings.
Emphasizing on the common ground of all religious traditions and spiritual messages from the past, the Amir Saheb urged the audience to gaze at the universality of spiritual consciousness and our common humanity as the foundational bases for building solidarity with the less privileged and to do service to fellow men and women in our (local and global) communities. He emphasized that a life well-lived is one that is dedicated to the service of fellow beings. Indeed, such service is a noble path to realize the ultimate purpose of life in this fleeting world: Worship of the Divine, Alhamdulillah, Soumma Alhamdulillah.
Charitable Giving (Sadaqah)
On Friday, October 13, 2017, four members of the Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam- Kerala visited the Old-Age Home at Mathra, being maintained by Mrs. Jameela Rajagopalan of the Meera Charitable Trust in service of destitute, old women. The Jamaat delegation consisted of Mukarram Amir Jamaluddin Saheb, Naib Amir Sadiq Ali Saheb, Secretary-Tabligh Sulfikar Ali Saheb and this humble blogger. The visiting delegation offered a Sadaqahin the name of our senior member Shareefa Beevi Esmail Saheba, who has age-related ailments now; the Sadaqah was in the form of providing Breakfast for all the inmates of the Institution, Alhamdulillah, Soumma Alhamdulillah.
Charitable Giving (Sadaqah)
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On Spirituality and Social Service
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